intestinal worms or parasitic worms are simple organisms that feed on the human body. intestinal worms can cause many symptoms in the body, some of which are similar to other intestinal disorders. Rapid and accurate diagnosis is necessary in any case to avoid complications.

Doctors may use antiparasitic medicines or other treatments to remove worms. Although intestinal worms may seem frightening, most people respond well to treatment.


Each species of gut worm can cause different symptoms and symptoms may vary in each individual.

Some typical signs and symptoms of intestinal worms include:

  • loss of appetite
  • fatigue
  • abdominal pain
  • Flatulence
  • nausea
  • weight loss
  • stomach upset
  • In some cases, a person may start to show intestinal worm fragments in the stool.

In rare cases, intestinal parasites may lead to serious intestinal congestion.

Types of parasites and the way they get into the body

There are many different types of intestinal parasites that can occur in humans. Below we look at some of them in more detail.


The tapeworm is a genus of amphibian who lives in the intestine, where it attaches itself to the bowel wall. Most people with tapeworms have no symptoms or very mild symptoms.

There are several different types of tapeworm. Some tapeworms live in water, and drinking contaminated water may allow them to get into the body. Other tapeworms live in meat such as beef or pork, and eating unclean or raw meat can expose a person to contact with them.

The tapeworms are flat and seem to be long, usually from 3 to 10 meters, depending on the type of worm.


A thread is a worm that usually penetrates a human body through the soil. One end of his body narrows into the shape of a needle or hook. According to estimates, 576 to 740 million people in the world have a nematode infection.

The threads are placed in the small intestine, where they lay eggs that come out of the body through the feces. Once the eggs hatch, larvae can potentially penetrate the skin of another person. People are threatened if they come into contact with feces or soil containing contaminated waste as fertilizer.

Most people with thread have no symptoms. Some people may show typical gastrointestinal symptoms, which may occur more frequently in the first infection.


The bolts are another kind of amphibian. Rascals may occur more frequently in animals, although humans may also get infected with these parasitic worms.

The pins are small and have a rounded leaf shape. People get them by accidentally eating or eating, in drinking water or freshwater plants such as water rusk. Inside the body, adult vandals occupy bile ducts and liver.

Some people have no symptoms, but others may feel symptoms months or even years after the first consumption of the parasite. These people may experience inflammation of the bile ducts or complete blockage. They may have abnormally large livers or unusual readings during liver examination.


Oats is a small, thin type of gist, which is about the size of a staple. Oats are relatively harmless and sometimes live in the colon and rectum of humans. Someone who has worms can pass them on to someone else by direct contact or providing them with a contaminated object.

Oats often cause itching around the anus, which can be strong enough to make it difficult to fall asleep. Symptoms appear at night because it is then that females of sheep crawl from the anus to lay eggs on the surrounding skin.

Human Glitter

The glist is similar to the catch, although it is only a few cm long. It lives in polluted soil, so it only enters the body when people eat eggs. In the body, this worm lives in the intestines.

People with glioblastoma often show little or no symptoms. However, severe infections may cause intestinal blockages or impair growth in children.


Trichinella worms are another type of glas that can pass on to people who eat undercooked or raw meat containing live larvae. The larvae then grow in the intestines.

After reaching full size worms can leave the intestine and live in other tissues such as muscles.

Symptoms vary in case of Trichinella infection. In addition to typical gastrointestinal symptoms, some people may experience:

  • chills
  • muscle pain
  • joint pain
  • swelling of the face or eyes

Severe infections can cause breathing or heart problems or make it difficult to move. Very severe cases can lead to death.

Risk factors

According to the 2016 study, Over 3.5 billion people worldwide have a parasitic bowel infection.

The vast majority of these infections occur in developing countries where sanitary conditions are weak. However, intestinal worms are still possible in developed areas.

Some people may be more exposed to intestinal parasites. They include people with a weakened immune system, such as the elderly and people living with HIV.

Pregnancy does not increase the risk of intestinal worm infection, but intestinal worms may pose a more significant risk to the health of pregnant women. Some antiparasitic medicines may not be safe during pregnancy.


Although intestinal worms sound a bit frightening, treatment is often simple. In some cases a person may not require treatment. A healthy immune system may be enough to cope with certain types of tapeworm without the need to take medicines.

In other cases, doctors will use one or more antiparasitic drugs to remove the intestinal worm.

Doctors sometimes decide to monitor the person first to see if their body can take care of the worm before going on medication. During this period, you should report any symptoms to your doctor.

Some symptoms may indicate the need for further treatment. They may include:

  • vomiting
  • high fever that lasts more than a few days
  • extreme fatigue
  • dehydration
  • changes in stool colour
  • blood in the faeces

Before initiating medical treatment, your doctor must identify a specific type of intestinal worm. The worm type will determine the best treatment option.

In the case of oatmeal, doctors prescribe medicines for worms such as mebendazole or albendazole.

Triclabendazole can help to treat vancers, while oat infections often respond well to both medicines available without a prescription and prescription.


intestinal worms may increase the risk of some health problems in the body. Some intestinal worms may impede the body's absorption of protein or cause blood and iron loss, which may lead to anemia.

intestinal worms may also affect the ability of a person to pass food through the intestine. This problem can eventually lead to intestinal blockage, which requires immediate treatment.

Some types of intestinal worms may also lead to the development of human follicles, which is a potentially serious disease that can damage the eyes and cause seizures.


One of the most important aspects of prevention are basic sanitary conditions. For example, people should always wash their hands before and after using the toilet to avoid possible exposure. It is also very important to wash your hands before cooking or serving food.

Many intestinal worms enter the body through food that a person eats. Certain safe food practices should therefore be respected:

  • Prepare the pork, beef and other red meat thoroughly for an internal temperature of 145 ° F.
  • Always cook poultry, such as chicken and turkey, to internal temperature 165 ° F.
  • Make sure the cooked fish reach an internal temperature of 145 ° F.
  • Never eat undercooked or raw meat.
  • Use separate planks to cut meat and vegetables.
  • Wash thoroughly and peel all fruits and vegetables.
  • Use only clean water.
  • Visiting a developing country or a place where sanitation is missing, avoid swimming in dirty water sources or walking barefoot in areas where waste can be contaminated.